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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, Vehicle Held Hostage, Changing Scenery, and Marrying Well

The wife had a business dinner for a new surgical center she markets for tonight. The caterer she used is also going to do our 25th anniversary party this fall. The food was excellent, it better be, we have a ton of it here! We are going to be renewing our vows at the church the kids were Christened in, and we will be buried in the church cemetery. I don't mention the cemetery and marriage in the same sentence for any particular reason, it just worked that way. I'm looking forward to it, it having been the smartest thing I've ever done.

We took the car and dropped it off Sunday night, they called this morning and told us they can't figure out where the oil leak is coming from. They had for 2 full days, have years of training, and they came up with the same thing I did! They are going to see if it is more apparent tomorrow where the leak is leaking. The wife is taking my truck to work, leaving me stranded. Funny thing is I go days, sometimes weeks without leaving the house, it's just different when you know you have no wheels.

I changed things around for today, moved the command center into the family room, down in the basement. I commandeered the boys desktop, added a new user, loaded all of my things on that. There is a bathroom right on that level, everything but a kitchen, I just needed a change in surroundings. I think that's one of the toughest things to deal with in this mess? Sure the physical part is bad, but the mental part is just too much sometimes. Thank God I love this house, I can see every inch of it in my mind, I've had the time to memorize it.


Cranky said...

Sounds like you came out of your funk fast. That's excellent.

Living Day to Day with Multiple Sclerosis said...

I think it is good to change things around a bit. After awhile it gets very boring... I tend to change things around the house quite frequently. However, my husband hates change so I think it is funny!!!! Have a great day and enjoy your new surroundings!!!

Living Day to Day with Multiple Sclerosis said...

I have a question... How do you have your comments show up under the blog? Mine stays hidden unless you click the comment button. Is it something you have to add???

Living Day to Day with Multiple Sclerosis said...

Never mind figured it out!!! sorry I took up so much space on your page.

awb said...

Cranky, I'm a quick healer. There are a lot of things from where I sit to make me smile. Thanks,

awb said...

My one grandfather was a drinker. My grandmother would get mad at him and move the furniture around.
Glad I was able to help with your question, give me another one!

Libby said...

andy, i know what that was...she moved the furniture around so that when he was drunk, he'd forget where his favorite chair was, he'd go sit down where it was, and "ker-plunk"! that was her laugh for the week! that was a subconscious thingy on her part!

awb said...

Hey Libby,
No, she was just stone cold mean! She was a bigger drunk than him, she just was a higher functioning drunk. One question you didn't ask my Dad's family was, "How about a drink?"
