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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, Weather, Housing Crisis, and Help Getting Up

The weather did its flip flop, the meteorologist dude didn't miss this one, just my luck. I am drained, haven't done a single thing, doesn't look like I will either. With a high of 56 today, it has the potential for a 40 degree swing in temperature in 1 day! I suppose I'm getting to the point that I will need to create a sealed enviro for myself, keep a constant year round temp and all. Next thing you know I'll have Kleenex boxes on my feet and store bottles of urine!

The wife and I went for a drive last night. We toured all the newer sections of Perry Hall, something you can't do in a few minutes. It was scary how many houses were for sale, or appeared empty. It is also apparent that most of the new home owners wanted little, or no yards at all. Don't get me started on the size of these houses either, most appear to be the kind where you can brag about your square footage, that is until the bank took it away! We had a good time, but not as good as coming home, and we can still afford to live here, and take rides!

I need a device to help me get up out of the chair in the living room, where I sit most of the time. They sell things called chair risers, but most of them look a little flimsy to me. They also sell furniture leg extenders, to raise the height of the chair. I think I like these better, I need help getting my legs past that 90 degree angle where I can more slide off the chair if that makes sense? I feel like a weight lifter who is trying to lock out his legs every time I stand up.


Herrad said...

Hi Andy,

Please look at my blog

For your Outstanding Bloggery Award.



Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I agree with the housing situation, I do want some nature. I also thought about those chairs but I can stand pretty good, considering I use a motorized chair most of the time. Keep blogging.

awb said...

That was very kind of you, and very much appreciated. I hope you had a great day,

awb said...

I can get down OK, and can start up OK, it's that middle part that's tough. I'm working on my weight to get it down to a more human number, that should help too!


Cranky said...

Andy - when Skip was still ambulatory, but needed some help getting from chair to walker or wheelchair, we tried two things you might want to look at. First was a seat lift, which sits between you and the chair and helps push you up when you go to rise. The second is a power recliner that will lift you up. The first wasn't that comfortable for Skip and didn't last long before another option was explored. The recliner was highly successful though. has both seat lifts and recliners that lift. I suggest you check them out.

awb said...

thanks for the info. I'm not to the point where the power recliner is needed, plus, I Imagine there are weight limitations with them. Like I told stuff above, it's that middle range I'm struggling with. I need something to push on, or pull on to get past that one point. I am going to check out seat lift to see if that could bounce me up!


Libby said...

i was at my neuro's ofc today, & she noticed that while i was sitting on my scooter, i don't really have enough strength to lift my right leg, but my lewft leg is as soon as i start tysabri, i'll go to physical therapy...i PROMISE!

Diane said...

Yes, the housing market problem is quite something. I don't know what the lenders or the buyers in these cases were thinking. They might win the lottery? lol

My mom had an electric Riser Recliner that was enough to help my father lift her from the chair - she had MS as well. Not sure if this is what you already have or not. Here's the link -

Glad you got out for a ride, hubby and I like to do that as well sometimes!

awb said...

after Tysabri you can be on Dancing with the Stars! Yeah, no physical therapy, dancing's the ticket.

awb said...


thanks for the link, I'm not sure what I need at this point. I need to go to a place that has everything on display, see what works best.

We love doing things together, just wish she didn't ruin things by going to work!


Miss Jackie's Favorites said...

Hey - grocery shopping is a great "date night" too!

awb said...

It is with you Baby!