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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, No Celiac Decease, Tooth Trouble, and So Ends the Music

Good news, I don't have Celiac decease! Bad news is we still don't know why I am pumping vitamin D out faster then I take it in. The physicians assistant told me she wasn't worried about it, she must not know how much I hate that one? For now I will take my 100,000 iu of vitamin D and see what happens. It's bad when the prospect of having another decease isn't that bad, if it means getting some answers.

The boy has his last concert with the honors symphonic winds tonight. He doesn't graduate until next year, but he will be doing work release next year, or is it work study? I need to learn that, one of them isn't good. We will be sad to see it go, but we enjoy it more than he does. He should love it, without a seconds work at home, not one minute of practice, he has cruised through it with A's, and can play anything with a reed. Maybe someday he will appreciate the talent he has, for now, he is just glad it's over.

I have to schedule going to the dentist, something I hate to do, not because it hurts, but rather because it takes so long. My parents paid for the dentists vacation home when I was a kid, not because I didn't take of my teeth, I had issues. I still have issues, I know, but we are talking teeth people! I was anemic when I was little, and they gave me iron on a spoon. That evidently ruined the enamel on my teeth, and I have had nothing but trouble since. I have a few broken fillings, a couple of cracked teeth, and pain in about 5 or 6 spots. Looks like my dentist will be able to afford vacation this summer!


Libby said...

" but he will be doing work release next year," THAT'S something to brag about your boy hope he sees this blog regularly, to see how proud his dad is...hahahaha...
no, andy, i'm so sorry, you know that's just me being a smartass!
that sounds like your teeth cause lots of problems! i hate going to dentists too!

awb said...

You know the old saying, you say tomato, I say holy crap? I think that's wrong. He is doing work study, that's it! I've had it with teeth! I refuse to have any more problems let's see if that works.


Libby said...

...good luck with that...

Anonymous said...

Good news about Celiac. It would be a pain to do that gluten free diet. Any diet is tough but that limits a lot.

awb said...

Any decease you can avoid is a good thing. Diets aren't so bad, I've done the pie diet for years! Ummmmm, pie.........

Miss Jackie's Favorites said...

What a wild ride we've had with the kids and their activites. Let's see - there's been soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, roller skating, badminton, music, honor society, and the list goes on and on. How lucky we are to have had the opportunity to watch our children grow through their activities. You've always been such a great supportive force for them. They're lucky to have you for their dad!!

awb said...

A wild ride is right, I'm so glad you haven't asked to get off! Thanks, that's easy when they had you for a mother. Tissue please?