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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, Lawn Work, MS Walk, and Slight Personality Flaw

What a beautiful day here in Baltimore, I actually got some sun, or as I like to call it, free vitamin D. I went bright and early this morning to IKEA, 8:30 AM is early for me, got in line for an Earth Machine backyard composter. They had a great showing, must have been 300 people in line. It's good to see people are trying to do things like that.

I came home and got to work! I made 5 platforms for my idiot garden boxes, figured out how to make my trellis system too. I figured 8 feet high, and almost 3 feet wide should be good. I also plan on placing my boxes in a good order, one that doesn't have 2 boxes that vine next to each other. My brother is coming tomorrow to move a couple of bushes for me, I guess I have to be nice to him now?

I did a nice job not overdoing things today, kinda sorta? I had a plan, and I stuck to it, in a way? OK, it's hard, I start out with good intentions, but then I get caught up in the moment and forget to stop! It's not until I realize I'm taking more break time then work time, and I start trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything put away that I realize I've done it again.

After a long day like today, I get a little down, and a little moody. I think a lot of people attribute that to the MS, but I think I may just get moody and down, not to mention the potential to be a real pain in the ass!

Tomorrow is the MS walk in Towson, my plan is to go there and see the group of friends off in the morning. I may offer them a laurel, and hardy handshake to them as they head out? I appreciate it guys, thanks!

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