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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Extended Family, Retracted Family, and Pride in Family

Got to see the nieces, and the great niece from the eastern shore today. Went to the brother's house for a great breakfast, and a great visit. The great niece held her arms for me when I went in and came right to me, that was especially nice. Most small children are afraid of me, so are most small adults for that matter! I got to sit and feed her while she sat on the table, something I used to do with her mother. It was very nice, but also reminded me of how sad it is that the family is spread out now. I miss the great family times I remember as a lad, and yes, I think I was a lad once.

The boy isn't aware there is an economic slow down, he is working like a fiend! He has worked all weekend long again, and I mean all weekend. He worked yesterday and today, 12 hours each day, and volunteered with the rocket league at bowling. The rocket league is a group of developmentally challenged children that he coaches in bowling, we are very proud of him for that. He has a tournament next weekend for the high average crowd. He is one of 10 males to qualify for the regional tournament, pretty good since it is a point thing, and he bowled the first half of the season left handed.

The girl babysat all weekend, even overnight. The wife and I were home alone most of the weekend. She taught her rollerskating most of the day yesterday, so both kids are bringing in some coin, time to make them start giving me a cut I think. The girl drove back to the dorm, probably has a wild party, or a top secret sorority meeting. She is doing a great job with school, and living a life we wanted her to have, it's fun to watch. Not too many people who can honestly say they are very proud of the people their children have grown to be, but the wife and I are two of those people who can. So what's all this pissin and moanin about a little numbness, life is good!


Anonymous said...

You both come from good stock. Everyone has to complain sometimes. Some are better than others. Corey gave us the things from you. Thanks. Your father will get the benefit. His job. Thanks.

awb said...

Good stock? Isn't what you print invitations on?

Slammermike said...

You have 2 great kids. I can't believe they are pretty much grown now. They've always been fun to be around