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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cigna Still Playing Games, And Our Friend Turns 50 Today

All my Cigna problems seemed to have been taken care of? We spoke with a young woman, and she spoke English, and she went above and beyond to take care of our problem, kudos to Sabrina. My new eobs were to post by 9/16/11, so I gave it until 9/20/11, then called when they didn't appear. Seemed all had been paid, but 7 claims, with 3 different doctors had been coded wrong and Cigna was going to seek a refund? I've been a professional patient for 25 years, never had them "code" me wrong once, it happened over a 3 month period 7 times with 3 docs? For shame Cigna, for shame!

My friend turned 50 today, she is considerably older than me and the wife, and she has lost her mind! She's not full blown crazy, but she is definitely a carrier. We went out with her and her family to Obrycki's to celebrate with an evening of fine food and revelry, it was very nice. Hope she has a nice, fun filled day, and that she is available to share my day when it comes, way down the road.


Libby said...

'My friend turned 50 today, she is considerably older than me and the wife, and she has lost her mind! She's not full blown crazy, but she is definitely a carrier.'...OMG, andy!! you started my day with a big ol' bellylaugh!!

awb said...

Libby - She is bat shit goofy, and a great friend!


Herrad said...

hi aaanddy,
nice to see your comment on my blog.
i me by to see how you are.
i hope you are doing well.

Diane J Standiford said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Andy. Aren't crazy friends a certain kind of special? WAIT! You got a rep who spoke ENGLISH?? wow....

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

EOBs have been coded wrong for me, maybe 100 times:) glad you got help with Cigna