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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Multiple Sclerosis, Sheriff's Gathering, Ear infection, and Total Energy Drain

We went to a meeting of the Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff's Association today, what a great group! This was probably one of the smaller gatherings we've had in a while, only 8 of us, what a great day we had. The weather was absolutely gorgeous, our hosts opened their beautiful home to us, and put on an incredible spread for us. It may have been a smaller group, but it made it easier to hear everyone's stories, and get caught up on everyone's lives, good times.

We took the girl to the doctors today, I thought it might be the plague, or scurvy, but it turned out to be a simple ear infection. She hasn't had one of those since she was a little girl. I'm just glad she wasn't infectious, coughing and sneezing all over the place. I let her out of quarantine when we found out she wasn't going to spread anything, I'm good that way.

I am totally out of energy today, my mobility is suffering too. I'm a little concerned with just how tired I have been. For me, there is a difference between fatigued and being tired, I am also fatigued, but I am dog tired, weary all the way down to my bones. I can't tell if this due to having more activity, or if this just the way things are now. My problem is, it takes so long to rebound after activity, I can't tell what to blame this on. I'm debating if I should wear the brace for a week or so to see how I feel, just sit around and stare at the wall, but that's not a way to live, but I am scared this may be the start of something new.


Libby said...

andy, don't EVER let that thought get hold of you, or you'll lose a lot! it's not the start of something's just one of those stupid ms things, & give it a few days & it'll go "back to sleep"...really, i've had stuff happen like that, & lost all hope for life...a few days later, i felt back to usual (not normal, i'll never say that!), but, you know what i mean!
your meeting today sounds like it was a lot of fun!

Cranky said...

Andy - I hope the fatigue lessens in the coming days. I saw your Twitter update about bioness contacting you. A bit big-brotherish. But, they're probably Googling bioness to see what comes up. I hope the visibility you give the stimulator in your blog gets you great responsiveness!

awb said...

I know Libby, I just get so pissy because there is nothing I can do about it. The lack of control kills me, that's why I need people to smack me back in shape! Thanks,


awb said...

Cranky, that was strange last night. I started to read the email and realized it wasn't a general contact type thing, it was a we read your blog and want to know what we can do. I looked for cameras around the house for an hour!


Anonymous said...

What have I told you about saying bad words? Don't you give up now after all you have been through. Think of how much fun I will have when the doctor lasers the hole in my eye. Remember when the going gets tough. Give your body a rest, it seems you are trying so many new things all at once. Did you hear about Celiac.s? Love you,Shirl

awb said...

I'm not giving up, it crosses my mind to join a monastery that lives in swimming pools, but not yet. I had the blood test yesterday for the Celiacs. I will be thinking of you today, sorry I couldn't make it down,