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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Heat Takes It’s Toll

     Heat is not my friend! If I was married to heat we would have divorced years ago, it’s just not a healthy relationship. My issue isn’t that I don’t personally like heat, it’s that it has a horrible impact on me. The first to happen is my vision gets cloudy, like I’m looking through cheese cloth. Next it is a total drain on my energy system, I become listless. Muscle control is next, I’m no longer in control of how my body acts, things like sitting up are affected. I had a confrontation with heat on Friday. I had a doctors appointment on Friday, had to go regardless of the heat. The van isn’t air conditioned, it was a hot one on Friday!  I had all of the aforementioned symptoms, it was a struggle to get my big ass in the house. The switch that heat flips isn’t so easy to turn off, the effects don’t simply revert when I get cool, they last for days. Vision is better, muscle control is returning, energy will be the last thing to return, hopefully. The problem with secondary progressive ms is that things don’t always return to where they were, it’s like my body is constantly playing a game of shoots and ladders, and I’m losing.

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