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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tivo Problems, Still Not Over Exacerbation, and House Refinance Tomorrow

I am in Tivo hell! We have Comcast for our cable, they sent out a note telling us we needed to upgrade all of our equipment to receive the new digital signal. Having a hard time getting everything back in step. I can Tivo things if the TV is off, but if it's on, I have to watch that channel. I got the wife all excited to watch a movie the other night, told her I would Tivo it until she was ready. She finished what she was doing, got all her things ready, came into the home theater room, or as some call it, the living room. I fired up the Tivo, started the movie, and it was the Orioles getting beat by someone. I need to do some research.

My eyes are still on strike, along with my blood pressure. The eyes have a chance of being my glasses, though I don't think so, the blood pressure is probably related to the steroids, or it's my fat ass, who knows? I'm on my step down dose of oral prednisone, so I'm hoping I'm still coming out of this thing. My eyes are bothering me, not use to this whole aging thing, at least the numbness feels better right now. I'm trying to not make plans for this to fail, but I'm nervous what it means if it does, and more than a little scared. I'm using my upbeat attitude to conquer this, even if it kills me!

We go to settlement on the house tomorrow, we refinanced to 4.75, good for us. We are switching away from scary old Mr. Potters big bank and putting our money into that warm Bailey savings and loan. Trying our best to stay local, stay small, stay smart. OK, me staying smart is way past due, but we can try. Working towards living long enough to pay the house off in my lifetime, without having to live to 138! 15 years and this place is mine, just in time to retire! It's nice to have options, glad to be able to take some control of something in my life, and be thankful for it.


Slammermike said...

Shit what a double whammy. First the Tivo doesn't work correctly and then what is recorded is the Orioles getting their ass kicked.

We are having an appraisal done this week to consolidate and drop the rate of our second mortgage.

It seems the only money we have is the equity in our house. But fortunately the window of having to pay is growing shorter and shorter.
When we bought the house the interest rate was 13% now we are under 5% also.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Yes, TIVO is hard to get used to and then I cannot live without it. I have Directv and it got me years ago hooked on it.
Great to refi.